On Mar 31, 2006, at 2:55 AM, David Bernal wrote:

Hey all,

I wrote a few days ago regarding networking issues I'm having. At this
point, I'm at my wit's end and am hoping someone can help me.

I am running postgres 8.1.0 on Windows XP w\SP2. I currently have
PGSQL configured to accept connections from my local IP,
using the listen_addresses directive.

If I try to connect to the database from the same machine using the
psql program or using NPGSQL (.NET pgsql provider) it simply hangs.
Nothing happens at all. I don't get errors in my event viewer, nor do
I get any errors in the textfile log postgresql maintains.

What IP address are you trying to connect to? If you're trying to
connect to and it's listening on then
that won't work.

IF I change the listen_addresses directive to localhost, I can connect
fine and everything works EXCEPT I get the message "NOTICE:  Unknown
win32 socket error code: 10107" repeatedly anytime I do something.
This would be acceptable, except that I need to be able to access this
database at client sites.

10107 is WSASYSCALLFAILURE. A pretty generic message, but I've
seen it when some broken software has inserted itself into the IP

Can anyone help me or direct me to someone who can? I'm trying to push
postgres to my clients, because it seems like a great RDBMs, but if I
can't even get a server to work, I'm going to have to switch to
something else.

Can you connect to TCP port 5432 using telnet, or somesuch? If
not, are you running any sort of crapware on the windows box that
will break your network stack ("personal firewall" or "antivirus" are
some of the buzzwords there - I'd look at your "personal firewall"
settings first).


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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