On Sat, 08 Apr 2006 14:04:28 +0200, Philipp Ott wrote:

> (..snippetysnip..)
> I just wanted to know - I would like to have universal binaries of libpg
> and psql to deploy.
> Currently 8.1.3 compiles and runs just fine on OSX 10.4.6 + XCode 2.2.1,
> but generates binaries just for the current host architecture. Now when I
> add -arch i386 -arch ppc to CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for configure, then it
> compiles everything just fine, however at linking stage I get various
> problems for missing architecture files. Every generated .o file in the

Are you sure you have all libs/frameworks installed as fat versions? On
NeXTSTEP you could select the architectures to install; unselected ones
were lipo'd out. I don't have OSX but the messages look like you only have
x86 libs to link against.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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