>  I did so, and for a table named 'country' the following SQL statements 
> were produced:
> -- Disable triggers
> UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_class SET reltriggers = 0 WHERE oid = 
> 'country'::pg_catalog.regclass;
> /* COPY command goes here to bulk load table data. */
> -- Enable triggers
> UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_class SET reltriggers = (SELECT pg_catalog.count(*) 
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger where pg_class.oid = tgrelid) WHERE oid = 
> 'country'::pg_catalog.regclass;


thank you for bright idea.
this may cause invalid foreign key data to be loaded into database.

I want that in end of transaction Postgres will check for correctness of 
foreign keys like DEFERRED clause suggests.
How this check can be forced ?


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