> If this is the first child table of "header", which it presumably is, then
> the pg_class row for "header" has to be updated to set relhassubclass. Since
> you do not commit the create before continuing, this backend continues to
> hold a row lock on the updated, uncommitted pg_class row while you do...


> relhassubclass isn't reset to false when all child tables of a parent
> table are removed. So next time through there is no need to update the
> pg_class row for the parent table.
> So the simplest workaround is probably to ensure that you create at least
> one partition in each table at the outset, before trying to actually load
> any data.

That's exactly what I was looking for.  Now I know it is safe to do a
'create table', 'drop table' in my database creation script to circumvent
the problem - or to be 100% safe should I not do the 'drop table'?.  I was
afraid I might have to move the 'create table' outside of the transactions.

Many thanks


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