Bert --

You don't include some necessary details:

What version of postgres ? (8.x is noticably better at that OR / IN stuff I 
think, at least to some degree) 

Please include some info about your setup -- what are the settings in the 
postgres config file (effective_cache_size, random_page_cost, work_mem [for 
postgres 8.x) or sort_mem in 7.x)

Perhaps some info about the server in question (OS, amount of RAM, # of disks 
and their setup)

Please also post the results of several EXPLAIN ANALYZE <sql here>; this will 
help people see what decisions the planner is making. Perhaps best to show one 
that is small, an intermdediate size and one that is painfully slow (the 
explain analyze has to run the actual query in question so I realize that this 
may be too slow, but some examples will help).

Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC

-----Original Message-----
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Bert
Sent:   Sat 4/22/2006 4:18 PM
Subject:        [GENERAL] Performance

Hi List
I have maybe an easy question but i do not find an answer, i have this
SQL query:

SELECT geom,group,production_facs FROM south_america
               WHERE municipio = ''
                       OR municipio = 'ACRE'
                       OR municipio = 'ADJUNTAS'
                       OR municipio = 'AGUADA'

The performance of this query is quite worse as longer it gets, its
possible that this query gets over 20 to 30 OR comparisons, but then
the performance is really worse, is it possible to speed it up?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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