"Tony Lausin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'm working on a CMS which requires an open source database capable of
> handling hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously, with a high
> rate of database writes, and without buckling. We're talking somewhere
> between nerve.com/catch27.com and xanga.com/friendster.com

> PostgreSQL is a personal favorite of mine, and my gut instinct is that
> it's the best choice for a large scale CMS serving many users;
> however, I'm getting antsy. I keep getting suggestions that Postgres
> is really only suited to small and medium projects, and that I should
> be looking at MySQL for a large scale database drive site.

[ rotfl... ]  MySQL will fall over under any heavy concurrent-write
scenario.  It's conceivable that PG won't do what you need either,
but if not I'm afraid you're going to be forced into Oracle or one
of the other serious-money DBs.

                        regards, tom lane

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