Dan Armbrust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a java application that is trying to dynamically drop a set of 
> tables.  Problem is, when it gets to a particular table and I execute 
> the "drop table foo cascade" command from a prepared statement, the 
> query never returns.  It just hangs indefinitely.  I presume that it is 
> waiting on a lock for this table, but there is nothing that I know of 
> that should be locking this table.

> So, I have two issues - the first, how do I prevent myself from hanging 
> indefinitely?  I tried 'setQueryTimeout' on the prepared statement, but 
> it doesn't seem to have any effect.  Still hangs indefinitely.

You should complain to the JDBC list about that.  The underlying backend
facility works as expected:

session 1:

regression=# create table foo (f int);
regression=# begin;
regression=# lock table foo;

session 2:

regression=# set statement_timeout TO 1000;
regression=# drop table foo cascade;
... after a second ...
ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout

> The second, how can I track down what is locking this table?

Look in pg_locks to start with.

                        regards, tom lane

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