leo camalig wrote:
Good Day....
I Just want to ask on how to allow a non-local in PostgreSQL without adding it in
You don't. pg_hba.conf is the place where you can specify who
can connect from where to which database using what authentication
method. Your only alternative to using pg_hba.conf would be
to allow access from anywhere in pg_hba.conf, and use the firewalling
capabilieties of your OS to restrict access.

I just want to view a desktop application on Web, yes it works, but you need to allow those I.P. addresses that will gonna connect to postgreSQL. What I want is everyone in the net can access the said desktop application. Can you help me on how to configure it.
You can add whole subnets to pg_hba.conf - that's the reason why
there is a "host" and a "netmask" field ;-)
To e.g. allow anyone from the ip-range,
you'd use a line containing "".
To allow connections from anywhere, use "".

greetings, Florian Pflug

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