Ok, I have installed PostGreSQL as a service with pg_ctl.

But when I try to start the service using pg_ctl start, I am told I have to
run the service under a non-administrator account. Which account is
used/created by the standard PostGreSQL MSI installer?

-----Original Message-----
From: Harald Armin Massa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 May 2006 08:43 AM
To: Greg
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Installing PostGreSQL automatically


all the registry-entries are for "convenience", that is: to make it
possible for the installer to check if PostgreSQL is installed.

So to use PostgreSQL on Win32, simple distribute the files found
within <programs>PostgreSQL/8.1/ from a normal installation. ["normal"
is quite a challenge nontheless, as "normally" client & server libs
are distributed; together with PG-Admin in default installation]

Your challenge in not using the installer remains:

a) arranging the path correctly so that all libs are found

b) creating a user with appropriate privilges
[in corporate environments that is often better done
by whatever user administration tool they use]

c) creating the service [check pg_ctl --help]

d) initialising the datadir (initdb --help)

I tried to went down that road because of problems with earlier
pg-installers (8.0.0 beta and before); and it was harder than it
sounds, so I moved back to the installer. I recommend to you to do the
same - or report back your sucess.

On http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pginstaller/ you can find the source
to the installer; to recheck what exactly that MSI is doing; maybe
Installshield is even able to "include" the MSI definitions from there
(they are made for the "free" tools from MS to build installers)

Best wishes


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
PostgreSQL - supported by a community that does not put you on hold

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