am  07.06.2006, um 13:23:09 +0200 mailte peter pilsl folgendes:
> I dont succeed with writing my rules proper.
> I need the following rules:
> when I INSERT/UPDATE to a table and a certain condition is true then a 
> special field in this data-row should be updated to.
> I came as far:
> # \d testa
>     Table "public.testa"
>   Column | Type | Modifiers
> --------+------+-----------
>   x1     | text |
>   x2     | text |
> Rules:
>      r1 AS
>      ON INSERT TO testa
>     WHERE new.x1 = 'house'::text DO  UPDATE testa SET x2 = 'mouse'::text
> this works fine.  When I insert a row with x1=house then x2 gets set to 
> mouse.
> BUT:
> i) it always updates all rows in the tables instead of only the current 
> row. I guess this is a huge performance-lack on big tables :)  I tried to 
> get a where  oid=new.oid in or something like that, but it did not work.

My suggestion: write a TRIGGER for this.

Examples for TRIGGER:

HTH, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer    (Kontakt: siehe Header)
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