On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 17:14, David Fetter wrote:

> Pascal, Date, and Darwen have been alleging for years, with increasing
> shrillness, that DBMSs should be based on set theory and 2-value
> logic.  I say "alleging" because they have not backed up this idea
> with any actual software that others could test.  SQL DBMSs are based
> on bag theory[1] and 3-value logic[2].  Until they come up with a
> testable system, or Hell freezes over, whichever comes first, Pascal's
> book will make a good companion on your shelf to books on
> Phlogiston[3] theory, or a decent doorstop, whichever you prefer.

Now you're just being ridiculous.

Most of those books are nowhere near heavy enough to be a good door

And I don't know what your problem with Phlogiston is, it's a perfectly
cromulent thoery.  (see

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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