Wes wrote:
Is there a way to add a foreign key constraint without having to wait for it
to check the consistency of all existing records?  If a database is being
reloaded (pg_dumpall then load), it really shouldn't be necessary to check
the referential integrity - or at least I should be able to stipulate that I
am accepting that risk.
You could create the fk-constraints _first_, then disable them, load
the data, reindex, and reenable them afterwards.

pg_dump/pg_restore can enable and disable fk-constraints before restoring
the data, I believe. It does so by tweaking the system catalogs.

The only problem I can see is that creating the fk-constraints might create
some indices too. But maybe you can manually drop those indices afterwards - I
don't know if the fk really _depends_ on the index, or if it creates it only
for convenience.

greetings, Florian Pflug

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