We wrote a system that does exactly that, its called "Andromeda", and it is GPL.


It uses a data dictionary to do two things: 1) build the database and 2) generate HTML maintenance forms. But it can also have multiple virtual sites going into the same database, so in many cases we have the "admin" site which is generated for free and then 1 or more public sites reading the same database but intended for anonymous access. These other sites go through a professional design process quite different from the table-maintence sites.

It also automatically generates links to child and parent tables based on foreign keys, so for a table "customers" you will see a link automatically generated for "orders" that goes to that customer's orders.

Our largest project technically has about 290+ tables, our most active project is a system of about 30 tables in which we've made small hacks to a couple of pages to enhance the defaults.

The codebase is extremely small. The main library is less than 10,000 lines, easy to walk through and change.

The default interface has been tested on IE and Firefox, and also supports keyboard navigation (at least on Firefox). The project is running on PHP and currently targets postgres. We run on Linux. In principle it can run on Windows but we haven't tried.

If you would like to see a running system I can give you an account any of our systems under development and you can see it.

I don't want to revisit or be redundant... but is there a quick and
dirty and cross-platform system for developing user input forms for
Postgres?  Ideally, I am interested in something such that you can give
it ("it" being something like a Python function) a table name,
resulting in a magically appearing input form.  It should be able to
deal with getting the format more or less correct for a datatype, not
displaying system columns, etc, using the system tables to get the
necessary info.

I thought first about hacking xdialog, but they don't have multiple
field forms.  I have looked at wx, but real gui programing is complex
and not general.  Right now I have an ugly hack that writes out a text
file with colon separated lines for each row, with a defaults option so
that you can chain together a set of One-Many forms (eg you enter a
person, then you can cycle through with library books each referencing
that person in a for loop).

I would rather trade ease of use for functionality, if it can get it
90% correct just by the table name and the defaults.  And I refuse to
use XML.  And I want pure Linux.  If I have to develop the darn thing,
of course I am happy to share.

I want to develop an anthropological fieldwork database, but the form
based data entry is important for ease of use.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

fn:Kenneth  Downs
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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