On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 02:17:28PM +0100,
 Essam Mansour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 35 lines which said:

> In my research project, I need a DBMS that supports XML storage and
> retrieval, and provides ECA rule support.

(No idea about ECA.)

> - whether Postgresql DB could be used as XML Repository or not?

Certainly, you can put XML in a TEXT field. Of course, without
XML-oriented retrieving tools, it is not very useful. At, least, with
xml2 (see beyond), you can insert XML and check if it is well-formed.

> - Whether Postgresql DB support the XQuery or SQL/XML or not?

Why not Xpath? It is supported in PostgreSQL (see
but I do not know about the performance (I don't know if there is
XML-oriented indexation).

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