nik600 wrote:

i don't have understand how works inheritance of tables...

if table B inherits from table A

- A and B must share primary keys?

- if i isert record in B the record is replaced in A ?

can i avoid this?

i would like to have this scenario:

table A

table B inheridts from A
table C inheridts from A

if i insert a record in B it must be insered only in B!
if i insert a record in C it must be insered only in C!

is it possible?

Do you mean like this?  (Notice the use of LIKE instead of INHERITS):

CREATE TABLE table_1 (
   a int,
   b int

CREATE TABLE table_2 (
   LIKE table_1

(**Note:  CREATE TABLE with INHERITS uses different syntax!**)

INSERT INTO table_1 (a, b) VALUES (1, 2);
INSERT INTO table_2 (a, b,) VALUES (3,  4);


SELECT * FROM table_1;


_a | b_
1 | 2

and not,

_a | b
_1 | 2
3 | 4

as it would've if you'd used INHERITS instead of LIKE.

erik jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
software development

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