
Most web database applications I've seen use a system separate from
the rdbms's user database for managing user privileges.  For example,
there may be a "users" table, or there may be external authentication
with, say, LDAP.  Or, for example, in MoinMoin (an extensible wiki,
where apps can be written as MoinMoin plugins), you can use MoinMoin's
authentication system.  The application does the authentication, and
it also implements permissions checking.

But I think that checking user privileges at the database level is
better.  I think it's simpler and more secure, and if later you also
want to create nonweb apps, you won't have any more
authentication/privilege headaches.  For this reason, in a web app
I've made, the app connects to the database as user postgres, and
after authenticating (receives user's password, checks with pg_shadow,
and uses session cookie) uses "set session authorization" in order to
lower its privileges.  I've even written triggers to implement
row-level permissions checking.  The benefit of this solution is that
I avoid reconnecting to the database on each request, having instead a
persistent connection as user "postgres".  One disadvantage, however,
is that, since I use identd to allow the web server user (www-data) to
connect as postgres, a web server compromise shall mean a compromise
of the database as user postgres.

I'm considering developing applications with MoinMoin, and I'd like to
have a unified user database used both by the wiki and by the
database.  I can probably hack MoinMoin to use postgresql for
authenticating.  But how may I have persistent database connections
without the security risk I described?  Another issue is that I may
have thousands of users, as is common in open web-accessible
databases; could this be a problem for PostgreSQL?  I'd also like your
general opinion or pointer on the issue of authentication and
privilege checking of web db apps; all I can find on Google is
tutorials that tell you how to create a "users" table and do all
checking at the application level.


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