[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Broersma Jr) writes:
>> > Is the difficulty of creating a telephone type the reason it is not in
>> > postgresql already?
>> >
>> > Should the telephone type be able to do something such as:
>> >
>> > SELECT * from tableFOO where telephone.areacode = 555;
>> >
>> > Or would regex be better?
>> makes more sense to store them in a a canonical format and then find  
>> things with pattern matches.
> Also, due to the problem of keeping area codes segregated in large
> growing population centers, there is strong talk about allowing
> overlapping area codes.  Dialing locally will require 11 digits
> instead of the usual 7.

Ten digit dialing (where the country code is deemed implicit) has been
"de rigeur" in most of the highly populated metropolitan regions that
have 3 or more "area codes" for many years now.

> I know that this is already the case in the state of Georgia and
> there is talk about adopting it in California.

It has been true for a decade or more in Toronto and north Texas...
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "ntlug.org")
Signs  of a Klingon Programmer  -  13. "Our  users will  know fear and
cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the
dogs they are!"

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