Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

postgresql can do that in an even more powerful way - but people tend to
not notice much of it in your case that would be:

ALTER ROLE foo SET standard_conforming_strings='off'

or even:

ALTER DATABASE bar SET standard_conforming_strings='off'

you can do that for nearly all GUCs (like


Stefan and Alvaro,

Thank you!!! Yes, that is the feature I'd like... and yes, setting it on a per role or per database level is something I personally would prefer over the connection level. But, is there also a way to set it on the connection? Just because, one can imagine scenarios where two APIs share the same role & database, but one API forces backslashes 'on' during its statement-prepare.... just playing devil's advocate :-)

So is this 'standard_conforming_strings' variable already set-able in a recent build, at the role or db level? Or will that need to wait for 8.2?

Thanks again!!!!!!


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