I disagree.  And I was the maintainer last time I checked, so you'd say
my opinion carries some weight.

Because it is not currently being worked does not mean it is not maintained. It means that it is not currently being worked on. It is by no means a dead project.

Heck, companies are even holding talks and training classes on it

Companies are run merely to make money.

That is a farse. Companies exist at the benefit of the shareholders. The shareholders may deem that their main goal is making money in which case your argument is valid. However if CMD took that approach I would be far richer and doing a lot more then PostgreSQL. We could easily double our revenue just by offering MySQL + PostgreSQL support and development.

 The fact that some of them make
money by training people to use broken products does not make the
products any less broken.  While I am happy that people use PL/php, I
would be much happier if it wasn't broken.

Well that would require not using PHP at all wouldn't it? ;) However, Alvaro is correct there are currently no resources dedicated to PL/php.
There will be in the future but for now we are busy with other things.

It is however, BSD licensed please feel free to actually contribute.


Joshua D. Drake


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