On 13/8/06 09:57, "Thomas Kellerer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Harald Armin Massa wrote on 13.08.2006 10:46:
>> Do you know for what benefit that happens? I have seen similiar stupidity
>> with EJB, having RI within that layer. Why are people doing this? Do they
>> know something I miss, or did they just not vivist Databases 101 ?
> I think this happens because of the OO/UML hype. People tend to see the
> database 
> as a mere storage facility and putting the logic (including RI and other
> stuff) 
> in the middle tier. This should make the application more platform
> independent.

I see a similar issue in my line of work. Many of the programmers (even
those working for the larger software houses in the social housing sector)
have started out their careers as housing offices or maintenance surveyors
or whatever and have drifted into programming over the years. Their bosses
(in fact, in some cases they are the bosses) demand database neutrality so
they can run with whatever DBMS the client prefers and they simply take the
simple option and include all RI and other constraints in the client or
middle tier, partly because they don't know any better, but more these days
because they don't get the time or resources to do the job properly :-(

You can imagine the fun we sometimes have chasing down data errors!

Regards, Dave

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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