On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 10:10:27PM -0300, Alejandro Michelin Salomon ( Adinet ) 
> EX :
> '2006-08-01' + 30 + ( 7 * ( 3 - 1 )) ==> '2006-08-01' + 44
> All my trys fails.

The error message hints at what's wrong:

test=> SELECT '2006-08-01' + 30 + (7 * (3 - 1));
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "2006-08-01"

PostgreSQL doesn't know that the untyped string is supposed to be
interpreted as a date.  Use a cast:

test=> SELECT '2006-08-01'::date + 30 + (7 * (3 - 1));
(1 row)


test=> SELECT CAST('2006-08-01' AS date) + 30 + (7 * (3 - 1));
(1 row)

Michael Fuhr

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