On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 01:20:08AM -0400, Jasbinder Bali wrote:
> This is how the array is formed in my C code
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> FILE   *fp;
> while(!feof(fp))
>      {ch[i]=fgetc(fp);
>       if(ch[i]=='\n') lines++;       i++;      }
>    ch[i-1]='\0';
>    fclose(fp);
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and then am inserting ch as a whole in the varchar column in the database.
> Do you want me to append a leading '{' and a trailing '}' to ch??

Do you intend to handle the data as an array in SQL?  If not then
the raw_email column should be declared as varchar or text instead
of varchar[].  In that case your C code won't need to change.

Michael Fuhr

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