
I am just trying to connect to a Postgresql DB using a Perl cgi script from a web page from my own computer on a remote network.

I am using Postgresql 8.1.4 on Fedora Core 5 with a Linux firewall that allows all traffic.

Postmaster is running with -i and I tried different -h (including *), right now it is set to

In postgresql.conf, I have

port = 5432.

In pg_hba.conf I have:

local dbname user md5
host   dbname user          xxx.xx.xx.x  md5
host   dbname user  md5
host   dbname user         ::1/128    md5

In the real file, dbname, user and xxx.xx.xx.x are replaced by the actual value (just in case!!). I also tried all all and trust. For user there is a password set, and it works locally when I use psql to connect.

I tried different combination (e.g. only, like removing the mask ( etc. but nothing seems to work.

In the perl cgi script I have:

use DBI;
my $conn = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=dbname;host=;port=5432;", "user", "password",{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0})|| die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";;

The error I get is:

DBI connect('dbname=dbname;host=;port=5432;','user',...) failed: could 
not create socket: Permission denied

If I remove the host and port from the DBI->connect (which should not be done!) 
I get this error:

DBI connect('dbname=dbname;','user',...) failed: could not connect to server: 
Permission denied
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

From another Linux box I am able to remotely connect to the database using:

psql -hxxx.xx.xx.x dbname user

That works fine. It also works locally using psql from the command line, but 
from the web cgi Perl script it does not connect?

Needless to say, I searched the web and a lot of forums the past 2 days and found a lot of solutions that do not work for my case or are for Postgresql 7.4 (e.g. tcpip_socket = true does not exist in 8.1, need to use listen_addresses instead).

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you,



Bernard Miville
IODP Data Manager

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