"Michael Nolan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Situation in a nutshell:

> Production  and test databases are on two separate systems inside the
> firewall.  The web server is at an ISP, outside the firewall.

> The firewall sends all data coming from the ISP, port 5432 to a specific IP
> address inside the firewall: port 5432, which is the production serve.

> Test transactions need to go to the other server, which has to be the same
> IP address (the address of the firewall), so it needs to be a different
> port, but I'm not sure if the port translator in the firewall will do any
> better at getting a response  that than a port translator on the test server
> does.

What I'd do is configure the firewall to forward connections to 5432 to
the production machine (port 5432) and forward connections to 5431 to
5432 on the devel server.  There isn't any reason to have either
postmaster listening on multiple port numbers.

                        regards, tom lane

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