On Sep 7, 2006, at 5:35 AM, Alban Hertroys wrote:

Arturo Perez wrote:
What happens is that if I do a select nextval('seq') I get a number
that's lower than the
max primary key id.  This is inspite of my doing
   SELECT setval('seq', ((SELECT MAX(seq_ID) FROM table)+1))
   select pg_catalog.setval(seq, <max+1>, true);

This seems to be a bit over the top;
        SELECT setval('seq', (SELECT MAX(seq_ID) FROM table)
should be enough. Even the +1 isn't necessary, as the first value the sequence will return is already 1 higher than the value retrieved from MAX.

Note that all of the above was in an attempt to reset the sequence to the proper value. I'm beginning to think that it's a library problem as this morning I get:

iht=> select max(article_id) from article;
(1 row)

iht=> select nextval('pk_article');
(1 row)

Assuming the sequence number is being used correctly why would they be 6 apart?

Are you sure you're using the correct sequence(s) to retrieve your column values for the problematic table(s)? How do you set the values for seqID?

I tried statement logging but I am not sure it reported anything useful. When I get into work I'll send in those logs.


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