a schreef:
this doesnt work

SELECT DISTINCT on link *, rank(ts_vec, to_tsquery('default', $qtxt))
FROM feed_entry WHE    RE ts_vec @@ to_tsquery('default', $qtxt) ORDER
BY rank(ts_vec, to_tsquery('default', $qtxt)) DESC LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0

can you tell me how to get the DISTINCT elements in LINK

Just place your distinct fields between ().

example syntax:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (field1, field2, fieldn) field1, field4
in your case:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (link) *, rank[...]

Do remember that if you select different fields than the ones you use in the distinct, the results may not always be what you want.


suppose you have this data loaded in the a table:

id      field1          field2
--      ------          ------
1       foo             fooble
2       bar             barble
3       foo             wobble
4       woo             wibble
5       foo             bobble

if you "select distinct on (field1) *" which of the records with foo in field1 is going to be returned 1, 3 or 5? I believe this doesn't nescescarily has to be the same value each time.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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