> > ... My biggest concern is the existing FileMakerPro clients.  How much
> > work would it be to connect the existing FMP clients to the postgreSQL
> > database using ODBC?  Is this a viable temporary step or could it be
> > permanent?

And Tom Lane replies:

> If they can speak ODBC, then in theory you can easily connect them to PG
> that way.  There's a fair-size gap between theory and practice,
> however....

And Shane Ambler wrote:

> Yes filemaker can use ODBC but not as a live data source as you would
> use access as a frontend. You can use ODBC to import the data to a
> Filemaker database and display/edit it there and then export back
> through ODBC.

If the client wants to go forward on this I'm leaning toward moving away
from FileMakerPro completely and starting from scratch.  In the long run
it'll probably be less work and result in a better end product anyway.

Thanks for your thoughs and info, Tom and Shane.


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