On Sep 19, 2006, at 23:57 , Merlin Moncure wrote:

I have seen a steady progressive rise in the number of postgresql
related jobs and the quality of those jobs.   Major companies are
apparently rolling out critical infrastructure on postgresql...Vonage
is one example:
(http://jobsearch.monster.com/getjob.asp?JobID=47975237&AVSDM=2006% 2D09%2D15+13%3A07%3A10&Logo=1&JobTitle=PostgreSQL+Databa%2E%2E% 2E&q=postgresql&cy=us&JSNONREG=1&Image1.x=0&Image1.y=0&dcjvlid=380).
Salaries for a capable pg dba are really attractive, I have seen
several in the 6 figure range.  If you are reading this list and you
like making money, this is amazing news folks.  I am seeing a
confluence of many factors leading to serious penetration into the
enterprise market.

Around 5 years ago after being mostly a c/c++ developer I decided
postgresql was where it was at.  Learning the database and becoming
productive with it has been professionally rewarding on many levels.
It's really exciting watching the community evolve.

I have noticed the same. One thing you didn't mention is how postgresql gets into such companies. I highly doubt there is a new general managerial acceptance of postgresql itself- I haven't had any of my management mention it from management magazines- rather it seems to be a grassroots effort by developers who started out using a free LAMP stack, know the benefits, and then bring that experience to the workplace.


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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