I receive Windows Vista RC1 for testing, so I try to install PG 8.1.4.The installer fails :
- On the creation of the user Postgres,
- On the creation of the service.
I found workaround for that :
- I create manually the Postgres user with a password,
- I install PG 8.1.4 WITHOUT creating the service.
So I start manually PG and it work fine !
On an XP Workstation hosting a PG 8.1.4 server I run RegEdit and I export the key :
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\pgsql-8.1 in a file.
On the Vista RC1 WorkStation I import this .reg file, I correct the files location and I restart the WorkStation.
In the Control Panel I open the services MMC and I test this service : Ok.
Now I'm testing PG 8.1.4 and PgAdim 1.6 Béta 1 with my own application...
No problem for this moment ...
It would be nice to adapt the installer...
Best regards.
Luc Rolland

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