On 10/4/06, TIJod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think I'm about to ask a traditional (almost
religious) question, but I haven't been able to find a
crystal clear answer in the mailing lists so far.

I think the key in deciding this, in your case, is your requirement for space

There is a
large turnover in my database, i.e. each image stays
about 1 week in the database, then it is deleted.
... But more importantly, I need
to periodically delete a large number of images in
batch process. Moreover, the disk space that is used
on the hard-disk to store the images should be kept as
small as possible: Precisely, after the aforementioned
batch deletions, the table that contains the images
should be immediately compacted (I cannot afford the
internal use of a "to be deleted" flag, because of the
large amount of disk space my database requires).

If I understand what postgresql is doing, then DELETE will not
reclaim the space immediately. What happens internally is not
all that different from marking the space as deleted. A VACUUM
will allow that space to be reused, (assuming your free space map
is big enough), and a VACUUM FULL would be necessary to compress
the space away. All of these seem incompatible with your requirements.

I agree with another responder who suggested using the filesystem
for your images.

Jack Orenstein

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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