On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 05:39:20PM -0500, Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > > It seems to me the first logical step would be having the ability to
> > > flip a switch and when the postmaster hits a slow query, it saves both
> > > the query that ran long, as well as the output of explain or explain
> > > analyze or some bastardized version missing some of the inner timing
> > > info.  Even just saving the parts of the plan where the planner thought
> > > it would get 1 row and got instead 350,000 and was using a nested loop
> > > to join would be VERY useful.  I could see something like that
> > > eventually evolving into a self tuning system.
> >  
> > Saves it and then... does what? That's the whole key...
> It's meant as a first step.  I could certainly use a daily report on
> which queries had bad plans so I'd know which ones to investigate
> without having to run them each myself in explain analyze.  Again, my
> point was to do it incrementally.  This is something someone could do
> now, and someone could build on later.
> To start with, it does nothing.  Just saves it for the DBA to look at. 
> Later, it could feed any number of the different hinting systems people
> have been proposing.
> It may well be that by first looking at the data collected from problems
> queries, the solution for how to adjust the planner becomes more
> obvious.

Yeah, that would be useful to have. The problem I see is storing that
info in a format that's actually useful... and I'm thinking that a
logfile doesn't qualify since you can't really query it.
Jim Nasby                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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