jef peeraer schreef:
i never thought i would be bblocked by an encoding problem :-(
My database is in LATIN1 , i have entries like this in a table called gemeenten
    Column     |   Type   |                       Modifiers
 id            | integer  | serial....
 gemeente      | text     | not null
 postcode      | smallint | not null
 provincies_id | integer  |

This data is copied from a dump from that table

9780    Quévy    7040    7
9781    Quévy-le-Grand    7040    7
9782    Quévy-le-Petit    7040    7

So, the accents are there. But with my web page, which is set to ISO-8859-1, i don't get the accents.
The web-pages are build with XUL, where i set the charset to ISO-8859-1,
but communication with the server is through  XMLHttpRequest.
Do I have to specify the charset as well in the communication between server and client ? Or where else could it go wrong.

jef peeraer

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

thanks for the help. The problem was lying in the fact that use json_encode procedure from PHP. This procedure requires that the string to be encoded be in UTF-8 format. So basically, my database stays in LATIN1 and i set client encoding to UTF-8, as well as all web pages.

jef peeraer

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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