On Oct 17, 2006, at 23:18 , Rhys Stewart wrote:

Hi all, looking for a method to number a table sequentially, but the
sequence only increments if the value in a certain column is
different. as in

Normalization could solve your problem and also improve your schema:

-- The parish table
create table parishes (
  id serial primary key,
  name varchar

-- Your main table
create table ... (
  parish_id integer references parishes (id)

Now you have the parishes table:

id     |   name
1      | Kingston
2      | Lucea
3      | Morant Bay
4      | Port Antonio
5      | Savannah-La-Mar

And your main table:

...    | parish_id
...    | 1
...    | 1
...    | 1
...    | 1
...    | 2
...    | 3
...    | 3
...    | 3
...    | 4
...    | 5
...    | 5
...    | 5

As you can see, the parish_id field is now your "magic sequence".

so i guess i would order by a certain column and then the 'magic
sequence' would be a column that only increments when the column

I'm assuming (perhaps wrongly) here that you don't care about a strictly sequential number; for example, a field indicating the position of something in a queue or list. I'm also assuming that the number has no semantic meaning, which might not fit your use case.


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