also, run
on any command, show the results of this. In particular, if you have some commands that are taking 'even longer?'

roopa perumalraja wrote:

Thanks for your reply.
I have answered your questions below. 1 & 2) System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
          Version 2002
          Computer: Intel Pentium CPU 3.40GHz, 960MB of RAM
3) shared_buffers = 20000
    autovaccum = on
4) Yes, I am vacuuming & analyzing the database once every day. 5) No concurrent activities, means I run one command at a time. 6) Nothing else running on the box other than Postgres. I hope these answers will try to solve my problem. Thanks again. Roopa
*/Michael Fuhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 07:26:25PM -0700, roopa perumalraja wrote:
    > I would like to know that what can be the maximum size of
    database in
    > postgres 8.1.4.

    > Currently my database size is 37GB & its pretty slow. I wonder if
    > its b'cos of huge amount of data in it.

    37GB isn't all that huge; as the FAQ mentions, much larger databases
    exist. Without more information we'll have to ask some of the
    standard questions:

    What's your hardware configuration?
    What operating system and version are you using?
    What are your non-default postgresql.conf settings?
    Are you vacuuming and analyzing the database regularly?
    How much concurrent activity do you have?
    Does anything other than PostgreSQL run on the box?

    If you have a specific query that's slow then please post the EXPLAIN
    ANALYZE output. Also, you might get more help on the pgsql-performance

-- Michael Fuhr


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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