I was performing a bunch of INSERTs into a table, users, that has a unique index on username. During the transaction, my internet connection dropped. The INSERTs were being done inside a transaction.

Once I had manhandled my DSL router back online, I went back into a console to redo the inserts. I found that after I did the first insert, it appeared to freeze. I thought that my net had dropped out again, but I was able to Ctrl+C the command and rollback and do it again, with the same result. The previous connection is obviously still active, locking the transaction until the fate of the previous insert with that username is known, i.e., the ghost connection rolls back or commits.

How do I determine which connection is the ghost connection, and how do I tell PG to kill it? Also, is it an OS setting to determine the timeout on open but inactive connections, or a PG setting?

- Naz.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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