The problem I am after is the 8k index size issue. It is very easy to
get a GIST index (especially when using tsearch2) that is larger than that.
Hmm, tsearch2 GIST index  is specially designed for support huge index entry:
first, every lexemes in tsvectore are transformed to hash value (with a help of crc32), second, it's stripped all position infos, third, if size of array is greater than TOAST_INDEX_TARGET then tsearch2 will make bit signature of tsvector. Signature's length is fixed and equals to 252 bytes by default (+ 8 bytes for header of datum). All values on internal pages are represented as signatures below.

So, tsearch2 guarantees that index entry will be small enough. If it's not true, then there is a bug - pls, make test suite demonstrating the problem.

Is recompiling the block size the option there?
What are the downsides, except for the custom build?

Can you send exact error message?

Teodor Sigaev                                   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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