Thanks to all who replied.

The reason I wanted to go 64-bit on our Fujitsu sparc-alikes was that our 
sysadmins switched to 64-bit Perl as part of the standard package, and that 
broke our DBD::Pg interface.  With no warning, we started getting a message 
about, "Wrong ELF Class:  ELFCLASS32".

My assumption had been that 64-bit was the latest and greatest, so of course 
config should have found the appropriate libraries etc. and set me up for a 
64-bit make.  The answer to my question seems to be yes, I could cause 64-bit 
compilation, but it's not the obvious way to go.  

I don't know if our Fujis might be faster in 64-bit mode, but who cares when 
you're talking about CGIs?

So I think I'll beat on the admins to give me a 32-bit Perl under a different 
name for talking to Pgsql.  (Our Sun operation is heavily administered to 
simulate our production world.  We also have linux boxes where we can play god 
if we feel that need.)

Thanks again,

Victor Odhner

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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