2006/10/31, Albe Laurenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have a little problem. I have an .sql file (  db dump  )
> and i want to import it to postgres on linux.
> Does anyone know how i can do it?

You feed it to the command line interface psql.

psql -h host -p port -d database -U user <dump.sql

It's a good enough solution in most cases, but when the rowcount
starts to skyrocket, it simply doesn't seem to cut it (at least I
couldn't make it to). To load 1,5M rows (~230MB of INSERT statements),
I used gvim (wonderful tool!) to transform the INSERT statements into
a CSV file and then used an ETL (kettle - another wonderful tool) tool
to import the data into the database.
This could have probably been done much easier: I'd welcome a helpful
hint so as I know next time. :)


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