2006/11/4, Alain Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Sorry to cross post this mail but i'm not able to know from where comes my
I have a postgreSQL database in UNICODE (UTF-8 in v8.1.4 and UNICODE in

Via my web application i type a sentence in Slovak language and it is stored
into DB without any slovak characters. Instead of that, all particular
characters are replace with \303\251 or \303\206 or \304\314 and so on...

I was thinking that issue was coming from DB encryption but on 2 different
versions of DB (see above) i get the same result.
after, i was thinking that it was coming from my web browser, but even if i
setup character mode in central europe and Slovak language as default
coding...nothing change...i tried on IE and Firefox.

Sounds like all your tests were conducted through a web interface: if
the encoding you enter your data in (a function of your environment)
is invalid, you might get the data you see in your database.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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