Richard Huxton wrote:
Gideon wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply.

No problem, but don't forget to cc: the list.

We basicaly need to run a database servers in 2 different
towns. Now there will be update's and selects and both need
to be in sync with each other. Aswell as if / when database in
town 1 goes down ... we need to be able to switch to the database
in town 2 for emergency purposes. We cannot use just one master
as the connectivity between the two towns isn't fast enough for
the amount of users that will be viewing data through the connection.

(The fastest affordable connection here for this purpose is round about

A slow link is going to cause problems with most replication solutions anyway. Well, there are two options that I can think of:

Option 1:
Run Slony replicating from town1 to town2.
Run PgPool connection pooling at town2 and route any update queries to town1.
Cope with the delay on updates propagating.

Option 1 Seems like a possibility I do some more research into this...
Thanks a lot.

Option 2:
Use table partitioning to split e.g. customers by town.
Use slony to replicate customers_town1 to town2 and customers_town2 to town1. Users can't update data "owned" by the other town - enforce this with suitable GRANT/REVOKE.

Option 2: Doesnt quite seem like a possibility as users in both towns must be
able to work on the same records and update the same information.
Either of those any use?

Thanks for the advice. I will keep it in mind. I also just wanted to make sure
that I havent missed something or some solution that is already out there to
cater for my needs.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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