
I'd like to know if there's any reasoning for not allowing creating an index
inside the same schema where the table is.  For example, if I have a
multi-company database where each company has its own schema and its employees
table, shouldn't I have a different index for each of those?  What if I have
some slightly different columns on some of these tables? 

teste=# create schema testing;
teste=# create table testing.testing123 (something serial primary key, 
otherthing float);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "testing123_something_seq" 
for serial column "testing123.something"
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 
"testing123_pkey" for table "testing123"
teste=# create index testing.testing123_index on testing.testing123 
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "." no caracter 21
LINHA 1: create index testing.testing123_index on testing.testing123 ...

(I wouldn't mind if the autogenerated index for the PK was created on the
public schema if no specific name was supplied.)

This would also help identifying all objects to make a certain feature
available and where they belong to on the database... 

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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