> 1)Do I run these old versions on my linux servers and the new version 8.1x
> for development?  If I do this will I have to constantly battle
> compatibility issues when going from development to the production
> servers?  Will it be a big headache?  Will I be missing out on major
> performance or features?

No, yes, yes, and yes.  You do not want to be running PG 7.anything
anymore if you can help it.  If your intention is to go into production
very soon, standardize on 8.1.x ... if your production release date is a
few months out, you'd be doing yourself a favor to adopt 8.2 now.
(8.2RC1 should be available by Monday.)

> 2)Is there a reliable way to install 8.1x on debian and centos using apt
> and yum?

Look into Debian unstable, or if you are partial to Red Hat-derived
stuff look into Fedora.

> 3)Should I just compile from source on the linux boxes?  Should I expect
> any problems with this even on the old 2.4 kernel?

I'd advise you to be using a 2.6 kernel at this point, too.  I don't
know what the Centos guys have in mind as a schedule for releasing
a 2.6-based distro, but again Fedora is at least as good a bet if you
want a Red Hat based distro without official Red Hat support.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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