
On 11/25/06, Thomas Kellerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Of the few multiple-db GUIs, 99% (or probably 100%) use JDBC/ODBC
> layer to connect and work with the databases and JAVA or some other kind
> of high level toolkit/language to develop the GUI. This results in
> applications being bulky and slow and never able to provide the speed
> that a low level C/C++ client API provide and are supported by all of
> the standard databases.

I am maintaining such an application and it is neither bulky nor slow. It's all
a matter of implementation.

Can I have a link to the application or more info on that? I would be
interested to take a look into it.

Just an example: with the enhanced batching in Oracle's current JDBC driver
(yes, I know this is an Oracle list) I can even achieve the same import speed as
SQL*Loader when importing flat files.

I have nothing against JDBC or JAVA (did my words sounded petulant
towards it?) but 90% of the databases do provide lowest level APIs in
C. Having an app in C helps us to use very very less memory (this I
say from my experience where I could get million record from a remote
server to my client at much faster rates then a another app).  Lot of
times it has happened that the C API (atleast with MySQL and PGSQL C
API)  provides some extra information which when smartly used can make
things lot efficient.

Also, why I started a thread with wxWidgets was because C/C++ is what
I have been using all my life and from my experience of developing
couple of cross platform simple GUI, I fount wxWidgets to most mature
and easy to use.

But somebody in one of his replies suggested XUL. I will read about it tomorrow.

Btw: coming from a Java world, I do consider HSQLDB and Derby belonging to the
list of "standard databases"

I am sure there would be ways to provide for support for them too but
I am not sure as of now.



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