Hi all!

> On Friday 24 November 2006 12:56, ben short wrote:
>> I have a postgresql server setup on a Solaris 10 box. I can
>> connect to the db via psql from the local machine. What I have
>> been trying to do it connect with pgAdmin from my workstation. I
>> have setup the tunnel correctly, local port 5432 and destination
>> localhost:5432. Everytime I try to connect I get the following
>> message. 
> I guess the tunnel isn't correct. You connect on the same ports -
> seems wrong to me. I'm using a tunnel like this:
> ssh -l <user> -L 5555:localhost:5432 <servername>

  ssh -l USER -L 5432:localhost:5432 SOMEOTHERHOSTTHANLOCALHOST

is ok. the "localhost" part is evaluated on the SOMEOTHERHOST
and dns lookup is done there. I have been bitten by this before.
If SOMEOTHERHOST is the same host, this would obviously not
work, since the ssh tunnel and the postgres server cannot
listen on the same port.

I am not sure if the error message you are seeing is the same
one you would get when a connection is impossible. To me it
looks like a connection was initiated by the server closed


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