What exactly are the restrictions of a serial column? It's just standard
integer value with a default value that calls the nextval function.
The deletion process produces gaps and/or voids. The only way to resurect
the gapless sequence, starting at 1, is to drop and re-create the table or
serial column.
Dropping and recreating does the job but it can be unstable and requires
either on or two extra tables for each sequence you wish to generate.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Caduto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bob Pawley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PG Admin
Bob Pawley wrote:
That's what they are doing.
That is also what I am looking for, if it is accessable. If so, I can use
that information to add a sequential numerical element to my information
that doesn't have the restrictions of a serial column.
Hi Bob,
Well, if you create your tables WITH OIDs then each row has a OID
associated with it.
What exactly are the restrictions of a serial column? It's just standard
integer value with a default value that calls the nextval function.
Tony Caduto
AM Software Design
Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql
Your best bet for Postgresql Administration
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