On Dec 7, 11:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Merlin Moncure") wrote:
> On 7 Dec 2006 14:02:53 -0800, BigSmoke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm facing a particular task for which I need any procedural language
> > but PL/PgSQL. I can't use PL/PgSQL because it doesn't allow me to use
> > local variables such as new and old from a dynamic command.

> could you clarify what you are trying to do and why pl/pgsql cant do it?

I'm dealing with a trigger function which needs to check the nullness
of a column in 'new' and 'old'. The catch is that the trigger function
needs to take the name of that column as an argument. (I've tried a
kludge which stores 'new' and 'old' in a temporary table, but this
kludge seems too unreliable to trust.)

  - Rowan

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