Markus Schiltknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John D. Burger wrote:
>> Sure, but they won't use PG either, for essentially the same reason, 
>> since =all= PG support is "third party".

> So one can debate if i.e. EnterpriseDB is providing third party support 
> for PostgreSQL or first-hand support for their own product :-)

The other point I'd make against John's argument is that there are a
whole lot of Fortune 500 companies buying Red Hat support, and RH is
effectively a third party for large chunks of Linux.  (Of course,
there are also large chunks for which Red Hat employees write as much
code as anyone; but certainly that's not true for every package.)

I think the real criterion for big companies is not so much whether
you're supporting your "own" product as whether you're big enough to
be worth suing if things go wrong.

                        regards, tom lane

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