On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 01:13:16PM +0300, Oleg Bartunov wrote:
> >Seems to_tsvecto() returns NULL for tsearch2 or for, as you say,
> >anything that ends in a digit.
> >
> >Oleg, can you comment on why this is happening? What can we do to fix
> >that?
> Most probably, token type 'word' just doesn't indexed. If you 
> didnt' correct this from pgweb configuration:
> -- we won't index/search some tokens
> update pg_ts_cfgmap set dict_name = NULL
> where tok_alias in ('email', 'url', 'sfloat', 'uri', 'float','word')
> and ts_name = 'pg';

That sounds like it's the problem. I'll update the configuration, and I
assume I have to regenerate all the tsvectors as well, right? 

Should I set it to 'simple' or one of the others?


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