With a database loaded into 8.2.0 from a dump from an 8.1.4 server, "\df+ foo()", where foo()'s body has embedded tabs shows up with those tabs escaped, whereas under 8.1.4 they were emitted verbatim:

Is there a trick to getting old behaviour back? It seems to happen regardless of client_encoding setting (either SQL_ASCII or latin1). Thanks!

social=# \df+ housing.update_terse_listing_by_unit()
List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Owner | Language | Source code | Description ---------+------------------------------+------------------ +---------------------+--------+---------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------+------------- housing | update_terse_listing_by_unit | "trigger" | | social | plpgsql | | : BEGIN : \x09if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then : \x09\x09update housing.terse_listing set last_modified = now() where id = NEW.id; : \x09else : \x09\x09insert into housing.terse_listing (id, last_modified) values (NEW.id, now()); : \x09end if; : \x09return null; : END; :
(1 row)


social=# \df+ housing.update_terse_listing_by_unit()
List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Owner | Language | Source code | Description ---------+------------------------------+------------------ +---------------------+--------+---------- +----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------+------------- housing | update_terse_listing_by_unit | "trigger" | | social | plpgsql |
        if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
update housing.terse_listing set last_modified = now () where id = NEW.id;
insert into housing.terse_listing (id, last_modified) values (NEW.id, now());
        end if;
        return null;

James Robinson

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