
I'd use contrib/pg_trgm for your application.

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Kurapica wrote:

I am developing an application which searches for city names in a
column. There is a lot of cities and I have to 'like' every name which
is not effective enough. So I want to know whether pgsql's regex
processor can optimize regexes such as:

Nebraska|Nevada|North Carolina
N(e(braska|vada)|orth Carolina)

If the processor can do that like a Dictionary-Tree, it may be
affordable to me or else I have to write a matcher myself.

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you and appologize for my poor English.

Compared to the use of indexes to skip whole table scanning, this
optimization is going to have very little impact.  So don't worry about

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (www.astronet.ru),
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@sai.msu.su, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83
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